Saturday, October 22, 2005

Concert Posters To Be Showcased

When first introduced into the music business, I didn't really expect that I'd be around the industry for four decades, from the Sixties through the Nineties. Working for several of the worlds most prestigious record labels during their most productive years offered experiences that would boggle the mind. Being on the road constantly and going from city to city provided me with many unique opportunities and a wealth of memories.

Occasionally while venturing down the Yellow Brick Road, I would sometimes indulge myself into some of the many perks put forth before me. Sure, I grabbed a few back stage passes and T-shirts, plus my record collection is substantial. But next to my photographs and then my record collection, my most coveted items are concert posters. Those treasured time pieces are snap-shots of pop-culture.

Here are some cherished concert posters selected from various sources representing a magical time period of the past. I welcome viewers to leave their comments for all to enjoy.


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