A Photographers Portfolio

Old cars, tractors, vintage motorcycles and especially abandoned trucks are favorite subjects to capture through the viewfinder. Especially if mother nature has cast her spell of beauty upon years of neglect. Here parked behind a barn at a garden nursery stood these old work horses that had come to rest.

While sipping on a glass of Cabernet with my feet propped-up on the deck, a summer sunset painted multiple colors across the evening sky. Forget about watching TV or reading the evening paper, dusk at my residence is the place to be to witness the Westerly sky.

On an Easter Sunday drive to the State Park located at The Enid Reservoir in rural Mississippi, I came upon a set of triplets in the picnic area sitting on a swing wearing their colorful Sunday School outfits. The year was 1981 and it just so happened that I had my camera in my vehicle when I asked the parents permission to photograph the trio. Immediately I began shooting when suddenly I was captured in their spell of pure innocence.

Every Winter during their Spring migration, thousands upon thousands of Snow Geese converge upon the farm lands of the Skagit Valley in Northwestern Washington. Both the entire sky and ground surface are blanketed in white by these graceful and enormous birds. Pictured in the distant background is Mount Baker standing at 10,778 feet.
I love the picture of the Snow Goose best. It is a magnificent picture.
I also like the Thanksgiving picture of African-American children. They are adorable!
Mini Me
A great set, would love to see the contrast and the saturation slightly increased on the car shot as well, it´s a stunner!
“A close up of the snow covered trees” is my favorite of the series
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