Pop Icons Marketing the Flesh

In modern society, females are a coveted icon for entertainment. Like it or not, those titillating body parts catch the eye of many. Plus, lot's of celebrities have reached the conclusion that posing in partial or full nudity is a marketing tool and can actually boost a career. Research has supported that it gives them a competitive edge that might not be revealed in their portfolio of serious work. Ever since Marilyn Monroe was featured on the cover of Playboy Magazine, the notion of appearing nude could destroy a career has been proven wrong. Let's move the calendar forward and take a brief glimpse of how the peddling of flesh has affected our Pop Culture. Pictured above is a fine example of Hollywood's mingling of stars for the paparazzi. Oh, that's famed actress Sophia Loren appearing bosom-envy while checking-out Jane Mansfield's bodacious rack.

John Lennon and Yoko Ono's "Two Virgins" album jacket had them pictured in the buff. Not my idea of sexy. Plus, I spared viewers by only showing their rears. Believe me, the flip side photo of their frontal nudity is not a pretty site. By the time this album was released in 1968, I think that ole Johnny-boy's brain was well-baked.

In closing-out this posting on Flesh, let us not forget a quote from the famous; Years ago when Adam & Eve were being interviewed on location in The Garden of Eden, Adam was asked to comment about Eve's revealing appearance. Adam simply responded to the question by saying "She's got really nice apples."
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