Sunday, December 06, 2020

Classic Photo Of Bonsai Master David DeWire


Photo Memories: After moving to Seattle in late 1986, one of my first friends that I became acquainted with was at the Pike Place Market where David DeWire (on left) had a showcase display booth & was selling bonsai trees and imported potted plants. Come to find out, he was a certified Bonsai Master & horticulturalist and we hit it off immediately. And to my surprise, he was also a professional musician. Plus, and to my even-greater benefit, his bonsai farm was conveniently located in North Bend, WA. and not far from my residence in Redmond. Immediately his bonsai nursery became my weekend retreat and safe haven. Many hours were spent there learning his kindness and wisdom. So, with this classic photo from that iconic era, I cherish this great man of dignity, the Bonsai Master Mr. David DeWire. 


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