Atlantic Records First Employee Reunion

Recently, the mighty Atlantic Records held their first employee reunion celebrating it's most productive years during the Jerry Greenberg and Bob Greenberg reign. Amidst the backdrop of the Greenberg brothers newly opened Rainbow Bar & Grill, associates flocked into Las Vegas in recognition of the gala event. Surrounded in Gold and Platinum Records Awards and photographs of Rock Stars and Blues Legends, Jerry and Bob Greenberg hosted the event with red-carpeted treatment. In attendance was Atlantic founder Ahmet Ertegun who welcomed employees and offered a glowing speech commemorating the event. Ertegun also thanked his loyal staff and read a written statement from former partner Jerry Wexler who was unable to attend. It was definitely a night to remember and the photographs below share some of those moments.

Jerry Greenberg's leadership as company President shall always remain as one of the company's finest moments as he was the industry's top executive. Pictured here (L-R) are former National Album Director, Mario Medious, Jerry Greenberg, former Artist Relations Coordinator, Barbara Harris and former Regional Promotional Manager, Phillip Rauls

Opposites Attract. The reunion attracted former employees from opposite coasts some of which hadn't seen fellow business associates in dozens of years. The Rainbow Bar & Grill was filled to capacity with music industry leaders and their guest. Pictured here (L-R) John David Kalodner, Jane Ayer, Sandi Perlstein, Dick Kline and Phillip Rauls
Promotion executives David Fleischman and Margo Kenez were airplay magnets and took no prisoners. Even Clive knew about them. (L-R) Jaye Fleischman, David "Flash" Fleischman and Margo Kenez.
Here Phillip clowns with Mario Medious and plants a big smackeroo on his cheek. Mario Medious, also known as "The Big M," was the industry's first promotion man dedicated to calling upon underground radio years before it was called FM Rock or AOR. Plus, he was very popular amongst the Atlantic artists and that made everyone suspicious. Funny thing though, for some reason Mario's hotel room was always setting-off the smoke alarms. Isn't that right Farmer?
Hotlanta Promo Guru Larry King and associate Susan Wladich have been a successful marketing team through many years at Atlantic and MCA Records.
Three Amigos. Perhaps a story that needs to be acknowledged is the efforts of this threesome who pioneered a start up department from scratch. This isn't so much as a personal dig at corporate oversight as much as gaining recognition long overdue. Mario Medious, Barbara Harris and Phillip Rauls engineered an Artist Relations Department that functioned from an entrance level division and moved into a specialized department at Atlantic Records. As an in house resource that connected the creative side of the business and then blended with the harsh reality of the media, this talented trio took the sometimes temperamental artists and groomed them for mass appeal. While other record companies ceremoniously awarded their staffs with gold record awards in recognition of their gallant human efforts, these Three Amigos went about their duties in workmanship fashion while others took all the bows.
Long time New Orleans promo mainstay Walter Morehead (L) shares a moment with Phillip and reminisces stories about the music from Bourbon Street. The French Quarter area is claimed by many Atlantic artist as their original stomping grounds. On a different note and to every body's surprise, Walter recently lost everything he owned in the Katrina flood and had to be airlifted off the roof of his house to survive the hurricane damage. We're thankful that he survived and ask everyone to remember him in their blessings.
This posting is in memory of Atlantic Records executive Vince Faraci who passed away in 2002 after an extended illness. In the mid-60's Vince moved from Beaumont, Texas to nearby Houston to become a record promoter. There he first came on board with Atlantic and later relocated to New Orleans as Regional Promo Manager. When Vince (R) was promoted to National Promotion Director and transferred to Atlantic's home office in New York, Phillip replaced him in the field as Southwest Regional Promotion Manager. Pictured here at a Music Convention in Washington D.C. in 1991, Vince flashes his wonderful smile for all who remember.
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