Recently I received a pleasant email from an associate and surprisingly the content occupied my mind for an entire day. The message was very stimulating and sent me on a exploratory mission. Let me explain. Using your imagination, try to create a list using those special words that inspire you. By that I mean express your inner self by listing only those important subjects in your life or titles or the individuals that completely rock your world. This can be a positive jolt of energy if you put some thought into the process. And Bingo! What a mind cleanser. I found this exercise very rewarding as it removed my mind from the horde of daily news rubbish. You can list yours below in the comments section or just make a list and send it to your network of friends. Go ahead, give it a try. You won't regret it...I promise.

...Clean Air, Blogging, Midori, Pacific Northwest, Hamachi, Progressive Rock, Country Roads, God, Down Pillows, Integrity, Triple A Radio, Sauvignon Blanc, Q Tips, Cleavage, John Lennon, Mountains, J.E. & Tina, Fillet Mignon, Thesaurus, YES, Solitude, Phil Jackson, Yamaha, Space, G.O.P., Clean Sheets, Seinfeld, Laser Technology, Led Zeppelin, Fresh Water, The Bible, Potato Chips, Charles Krauthammer, Memphis Music, Cruise Control, Carmex, Family Guy, Joni Mitchell, No Smoking Laws, Soba Noodles, Homer Simpson, Pentel Rolling Writer, Sony, Organic Fruit & Vegetables, Ahmet Ertegun, Black Labradors, BMW's, Granddaughter Natalie, Glucosamine, Japanese Gardening, Pat Riley, WMC-FM 100 in 1972, Photography, Nestea, Lefthanders, Ama Ebi, Herman Hesse, Waterfront, NBA All Star Game, Short Hikes, Robert Palmer, Fireplaces, Good Health, Friends, Calamari, Douglas Firs, Jon Anderson, Four-on-Four Half Court Basketball, Fox News, Music Archives, Bud Light, On-Line Payments, Family Members, Blue Herons, Robert Plant, Inspirational Movies, Nike, King Crab, Crowded House, Commuter Lanes, Altec Lansing, Richard Gere,, Home, Peter Guralnick, Sports Section, Cabernet Sauvignon, Tax Refunds, Jimmy Page, Vintage Motorcycles, Cantaloupe, Jesus Christ, Laughter, Talk Radio, School Of Rock, Miso Soup, Jim Stewart, The Internet, Watermelon, John Mayer, Tone Soap, Classy Females, Les Paul Guitar thru Marshall Amps, Good News, Harvesting Mussells, Paydays, Jack Johnson before being overplayed, Char Broiled and most of all....Sleep.