Atlanta Pop Festival 40th Anniversary

"While driving to the Atlanta Pop Festival in 1969, I pulled along side a Chevy Impala with Hawaii tags and asked the folks..Hey..Where y'all headed?..and a black kid in the back seat with these huge ears said...Washington D.C. Then this same kid asked if he could bum a cigarette and borrow my car jack. He was kinda forceful and not shy in making his requests. About that time a voice from his car summoned...'Hey Mutt, you hush-up now and git back in the car'...Then they drove off down the road with a cloud of smoke pouring outz the exhaust..looking like it needed some kinda repair. So, I shook my head in disbelief and saw mayhem in the making. That's when I split and headed towards the Raceway to hear some good music." the editor
In what is widely regarded as one of the top concerts events of all time, the Atlanta International Pop Festival of 1969 was held over the Fourth Of July weekend at the Atlanta International Raceway. The concert featured the entertainment industry's top bands and attracted extremely large crowds from distant locations. Attendance for the Atlanta Pop, as it would be later coined, ranged from estimates of over 100,000 people to 250,000. The concert was organized by promoter Alex Cooley and set the stage for the greater acknowledged Woodstock Festival which took place later that summer. The holiday weekend event was canvassed by a heat wave that soared to temperatures of over 100 degrees and set-up an additional story within. Yet strangely enough, only a few photographers have captured this historic milestone and put the landmark event into documentation form. With that being the case, several months back I was speaking with my friend Carter Tomassi, a well-respected photographer who has also chronicled the pop festival on his web site. Carter suggested that I post an updated story on my blog in honor of the 40th anniversary timeline. So, with his recommendation in mind, I decided to piece together a photo journal of previously unviewed festival photographs and share with fellow concert attendees and loyal PHOTOLOG blog enthusiasts.
With the plan in motion, allow me to set the stage for unveiling my previously unseen photos. Please note that I attended both Atlanta Pop Festivals but not as a professional photo journalist with distinguished credentials. Please let it be known that I wasn't admitted free into the festival nor was I invited backstage to meet the stars and partake in munching-on strawberries with bottles of Perrier. If the truth be known, I attended both as a curious hippie who at the time was a young label representative and working for Atlantic Records. I was fortunate to score a stage pass and decided to capture my own photo journal of the event. At the time I was experimenting with my very own opaque settings of which I was keenly fond. Using my Yoshika TL Electro 35-55mm SLR camera and always using 400 speed film, I improvised f-stop settings and utilized timing. And now, 40 years later, and fortunate to still be around to share my memories, allow me to dust-off my snap shots for review. In spite of recent technology advances in the photography world, these pictures are raw as Photoshop was not used in a single photo. As you can probably tell, the pictures are what they are. I hope these Black & White jewels stimulate your imagination. (Editors note; Since this original posting, naturally I've upgraded editing software so please forgive the rawness of these images)
Okay, let's start from the beginning. Below are the opening moments for those who prefer the big picture while others just might enjoy reliving the events. Word traveled fast about the festival as we made arrangements to attend weeks in advance. I had ventured to the concert from Memphis, TN with my then-girlfriend along with another couple. We were to meet up with a bunch of folks who were also in the biz; a couple of disk jockeys, a fellow record promoter and several local recording artists and song writers. I'd had recently purchased a new SLR camera and anxious to put it to use. With the stage set, here's how the event came down on B/W film.
While approaching the festival some distance away, people began to arrive on the scene via their bikes, their autos while some walked long distances on their bare footsies.
By dusk the crowd was anxious for the next big act to hit the stage as the audience flashed the peace sign in the spotlight.
A previous posting on the historic Atlanta Pop Festival featuring color photographs can be viewed by clicking the link of THE PHILLIP RAULS PHOTOLOG.