Long Before March Madness...

Classic photo taken in 1963 of a division rivalry between the Treadwell Eagles and Kingsbury Falcons held on campus at the Memphis State Field House. Here hoops star Jimmy Hawkins of The Eagles snags a key rebound while reaching high from behind is Falcons (#21) Barry Cochran. In the background looking on are Treadwell teammates Richard Ennis (#14) and Don Meyers. During this era, it was quite an accomplishment for two high school teams from adjoining neighborhoods to fill a 4,000+ seat arena and still turn away eager attendants at the door. (photo by Bob Williams)
Long, long time ago, back in the day when March Madness was a term used when referring to a frustrating weather cycle, that's when people would pour into the local gymnasiums and attend the game of Basketball to cheer on the local boys and fraternize with members of the community. Times were much simpler then and less complicated as nowadays. It was a time when basketball sneakers were known as tennis shoes and athletic supporters were called jock-straps and often doubled as sling-shots. Hard to believe but during that period practically all basketball shoes were manufactured

The game of Basketball was invented in 1891 by physical education instructor Dr. James Naismith and developed for a YMCA exercise program as an indoor

Early heroes in my neighborhood were Basketball players who could pack a gymnasium by their mere presence. I would circle the games on my calendar and count the days for them to arrive. Names like Earl Gillespie, Doc Hoffman, David Sission, Larry Burns, John Hillman, Don & Larry Mansfield, Ronnie Annis, Bobby Bridges, B.G. Petty and Larry Higinbothom.

Probably the most revered of all the local players was the legendary, Mike Butler (on right). Coach would give us the scouting report on Butler by saying, "Y'all better be careful and watch out for this guy cause he's cat-like quick and can really light-it-up." Mike Butler was a scoring machine and so good that he was the first local boy to go into the professional ranks and make it big time. Plus some of his games were nationally televised. Playing professional Basketball was the dream of many a local athlete. Plus, it seemed like a sure way to avoid a job of flipping burgers or working down at the car wash.

The pro game was exciting to watch and when cable TV was introduced the programming brought your favorite Basketball players into your very own living room. With games accessible almost every evening, you'd get to know all the players by their nicknames such as; Hondo, Mr. Clutch, The Pistol, Silk, Iceman, Cap, Chocolate Thunder, The Enforcer, The Glide, The Dream, Chief, Truck, Nique, Worm, Diesel, The Glove, Rain Man, Dr. J and Larry Legend. Sometimes the games could get so intense that players would have these little love spats amongst themselves and literally go at each others throats. But Basketball fights generally don't last long as sometimes the same players who fought earlier would ride back together in the same vehicle while returning to the same hotel.

Another local boy who made it into the 'Bigs' was Hank McDowell. An example of his staying power was his 9 year tenure in the NBA as he played with the Portland Trailblazers, Denver Nuggets and a professional stint in Europe. Below is McDowell slamming one home while playing for the Houston Rockets at the Summit Arena. Hank also had an array of cute little nicknames such as; Big Mac Attack, McGillacutty and Big Foot.

Of course, you didn't need to play in the big leagues to be tagged with some ridiculous nicknames. As seen below this guy had a few choice names to his credit such as; Lefty, P Q , Bird Legs, Coach ZZ (Zig Zag), El Boneia and Filll...

Great Basketball moments can become literally ingrained into you head and locked-in your memory forever. Especially if the moving events are captured with the frozen images of a great camera lens. That's when you got visual poetry in motion.

Above University of Memphis jumping jacks John Kilzer and Ken Dunek stretch for a rebound coming high off the rim. Both players were crowd favorites and sported the nicknames assigned to them from fellow teammates of, "Gooter Yaka" (Kilzer) and "Conrad Kubeack" (Dunek).

Pictured above is another U. of M. Basketball player named Steve Meacham as he snags a loose ball while putting on a dose of mustard into his effort. "Meach" was also a local favorite and his pretty boy looks got lots of attention.
In closing, Basketball has provided me with so much excitement and joy throughout my entire life. I was into the game of Basketball long before Basketball was considered as cool. Allow me to say that experiencing the comradeship of being on a Basketball team can far exceed any expectations every imagined. The spirit and thrill of brotherhood and going into competition together for a big game is unification at it's very finest. The locker room banter and concealed laughter within the team huddle still rings as the finest moments that I ever experienced. Nothing will ever replace those outstanding memories. Thank you my honorable teammates for allowing me be on the same team with you.

This posting is dedicated to the memory of Tommy King
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Photograph and cartoon identification provided by their listed sources when accessible.