Photolog Quiz ~ Identify the Photographs

Of course, you know we're only kidding as we dearly love our Grandmother. But by all accounts this thought stimulating exercise is exactly what your brain has been waiting for. Go ahead and roll-up your sleeves and dust-off your bifocals because THE PHOTOLOG has unveiled a brand new quiz for all the obsessive Einsteins out there who's daily lives have become engrossed and even consumed by Facebook.
Are you ready? Here's how you play. Simply study the photographs below and then match the exact title of the picture from the selection of names listed beneath each picture. It's that easy. Just like the game Grandma taught us. Answers at the end of the posting. Ready? Let's have some fun!

B. Sam & Dave & The Stax-Volt Review
C. Randy & The Radiants
D. Barenaked Ladies
E. Dress rehearsal at the 10th grade talent show

B. The Greatful Dreadful
C. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir
D. Humble Pie
E. Krackerjack - Stevie Ray Vaughn's first group

B. The Joe McDaniel Appreciation Society
C. Captain Harrison's worst nightmare
D. The Gaisman Park Earl Vance Club
E. The Rat Pack

B. Test volunteers for the medical marijuana program
C. Tryout rejects from Pee Wee's Playhouse
D. Selection of candidates for Adopt a Homeless Adult Campaign
E. Tom Petty's posse

B. The Four Horsemen Of Norte Dame
C. Escapees from the penal farm's work release program
D. Boston Celtics championship backcourt from 1963
E. The Gruesome Foursome

B. Reverend Al Sharpton being caught stretching the truth
C. Yogi Berra losing his balls
D. Exactly the same moment that you visited the restroom
E. Jackie Robinson stealing home in the World Series

B. Rick Dees
C. Las Vegas Mafia Boss
D. The Werewolf of London
E. Best man at Elvis Presley's wedding

B. Kings Of Leon
C. Laddie & The LaSabres
D. Fleetwood Crack
E. The Allman Joy - Duane & Greg Allman's first group

B. Official response to Obama's Stimulus Package
C. A 63 year old Shirley Temple impersonator
D. Poster boy for Viagra
E. Greatest white blues singer ever

B. Hilary Clinton
C. Freak Show Annie
D. Monica Lewinsky
E. Circus Contortionist
Congratulations! See, that wasn't so bad. You've just completed The Photolog's official survey to test your awareness. This study will also determine if you are a serious candidate of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder or a victim of cronic absentmindedness caused from spending way too-much time on the social media. Either way, the remedy for those ailments would be to look away from the screen of your electronic device and...get a life. With that being established, the correct answer to all photos is...the answer "E".
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Photo acknowledgement listed when available