Announcing the book “The Rock
Trenches” by Phillip Rauls has been prominently listed as one of “23
Best-Selling Soul Music eBooks of All Time” by leading book rating
service ‘BOOK AUTHORITY.” The service uses a proprietary
technology to identify and rate the best nonfiction books, using dozens of
different signals, including public mentions, recommendations, ratings,
sentiment, popularity and sales history. This includes maintaining the most
comprehensive collection of book recommendations from domain experts such as
Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, Prof. Daniel Kahneman, Sheryl Sandberg, and David
See link below as “The Rock Trenches” ranks 13th among
leading authors such as Peter Guralnick, Rob Gordon, Johnathan Gould all of
which have referenced author Phillip Rauls in their noted books listed here also.
Read about Rauls early days while promoting leading Soul Music label’s STAX
Records and Atlantic Records among others during their glory years of global
domination. “The Rock Trenches” is available for online purchase in paperback
or Kindle at the Amazon Book Site.