Saturday, February 02, 2013

Don Nix's "Going Down" Live Radio Broadcast

Wanna' hear the absolute best version of "Going Down" that you've ever heard? What's that you say? You've never heard of the song "Going Down?" Whoa! What have you been living in a cave or something for over 40 years?  Well, don't make me start from scratch here cause this song is a staple in the history of modern-day rock and soul music. Plus, if you haven't heard it yet now is your chance. Trust me, The Photolog can be a strong critic when it comes to song analyst but this version definitely takes the cake. It's the best rendition and I've heard them all. Go ahead and check it out as I'll think you'll agree. Here' the YouTube link in HD with picturesque Don Nix sideshow to boot...